Are you looking to shock your pool but don’t know when the best time of day to do it is? Pool maintenance is crucial to having a clean pool. To have a refreshing and clean swimming experience, you’ll need to shock your pool every once in a while. Shocking a pool keeps it free from contaminants like algae, bacteria, and chloramine and this essentially involves increasing chlorine levels using chlorine-based and non-chlorine chemicals. This article will go over when the best time of day to shock pool is so that you get optimal results when you’re keeping your pool water sanitized.
Swimming pools can get dirty due to a number of reasons. For instance, extremely high temperatures can lead to the multiplication of bacteria and algae. Moreover, heavy rains can alter your pool’s pH. Lastly, regular usage of your pool can also reduce the chlorine levels, making the pool get dirty quicker.
This is why shocking your pool every now and then is crucial to maintaining a clean pool. Below are some tips and ways to do so:
The most common chlorine-free agent used in pool shocking is potassium peroxymonosulfate. It acts by breaking chlorine molecules in the pool down by using potassium and oxygen to get rid of the dirt and smell in a pool. This method also removes organic contaminants and other waste, including body oils through oxidation, and it can be used during the day and preferably after every week. Before directly adding some peroxymonosulfate to your pool, you should make sure to go through the instructions on the product’s packaging and have protective gear prior to shocking the pool.
Apart from removing odor and residues in the swimming pool, shocking also balances the pool’s PH. You also don’t have to worry about your vinyl liners being bleached when using potassium peroxymonosulfate.
The use of chlorine is the most common method in shocking pools. To start, make sure you have your protective gear on, then add about 2 pounds of chlorine to about 10,000 gallons of water (this may vary depending on the size of your pool). Unlike chlorine-free shocking, this method is best used in the evening, preferably after sunset unless you have stabilizers that will typically prolong chlorine consumption. This ensures that ultraviolet rays from the sun do not drastically reduce the chlorine levels. High levels of chlorine are essential for getting rid of bacteria and algae that form in the pool during the day.
Reading the instructions on the chemicals you use is essential to make sure that you do not end up using too much or even too little of chemicals. In the case that you use too much chlorine, be sure to dilute it properly. Chlorine-free chemicals are best used in the bromine water. On the other hand, you should avoid using your pool for at least 12 hours if you choose to use chlorine. As long as your swimming pools pH is between 7.2 and 7.8, then you are then good to go.
Pool maintenance is crucial in order to have a clean and well maintained pool. That’s why you should shock your pool every now and then in order to give it a deep cleaning. But what is the best time of day to shock pool? It’s recommended to shock your chlorine pool when the sun isn’t out, so that the UV rays from the sun do not impact the performance of the shock.