A swimming pool can be admired by everyone who comes to your home. It can help enhance the look of your home and backyard, if you pick the right type of pool surface. Thanks to improvements in swimming pool technology over the past two decades, it’s now possible to make your pool safer, cleaner, and more durable – all without compromising your artistic inclination for style. You can opt for many different types of pool surfaces. Below will be a list of different types of surfaces you can pick as you begin designing your pool.
Is known as one of the most economical options for pool finishes. Unfortunately, with low price comes more maintenance responsibility. The more chemicals (caused by frequent maintenance) plaster’s exposed to, the faster it deteriorates – ergo the more re-plastering you’ll need done.
Most plaster pools are done in white, since it’ll reflect whatever color the sky is. So you can go from blue to cloudy or black, all in one day.
Unlike plaster, quartz are on the high end of the price scale. They’re like the Rolls Royce of swimming pools if you will. Its color’s quite vibrant and won’t fade easily with time. Plus, the silky smooth finish of quartz is gentle on the soles of the feet of swimmers, and easier to maintain. If you want, you can have your contractor add seashells or something similar so the surface reflects and refracts light.
Tile finishes take longer than most finishes to install, but the wait will be worth it, since they handle wear and tear quite well. Tiles come in a wide range of textures, colors and designs. So you can choose to have anything from diamond patterns to mosaic looks – wherever your creativity lies.
Are resistant to stains and chemicals, so they’re very durable. They have a natural vibe going, so this type of finish will look best if that’s the general theme of your home. Throw in some shrubs, rocks and whatever vegetation you can grow. This surface can be used for many types of pool shapes.
Special epoxy paint is used for swimming pool interiors, so that the pool water won’t easily peel or wash it off. Paint coats are very smooth, so swimmer friendly. The variety of colors are only as limited as your mind will allow. Sadly, even with the special epoxy paint, you’ll still need to repaint your pool every year or so.
Probably the most popular pool finish, vinyl liner are mostly used in locations with volatile weather patterns. They’re usually constructed with sand bottoms or vermiculite and steel walls. Vinyl liners have been around for a while, so they come in many patterns – with some of the more modern ones mimicking pebble and stone natural look.
Has a really smooth finish, but is usually pre-designed for a fixed type of swimming pool – the standard rectangular shaped pool or something close enough. You may have the option of installing fiberglass over concrete in some parts of the country, but fiberglass is generally considered the most limited among the different types of pool surfaces.
Above are seven types of pool finishes you can select from when designing your pool. It is essential that you pick the best pool surface that will compliment the look of your backyard and home.