Having a pool at your home is surely something that a lot of people strive for. Although with a pool, you also need to make sure that you are taking proper care of your pool. With the right pool chemical start up instructions and guide, you will be able to maintain your pool and keep the right balance.
Some pool chemical start up instructions include adjusting the pH level of the water and sanitizing it and adjusting the hardness.
The first step that you have to take when you have your new pool ready after the winter is to test the water. You need to know about the quality of your water before you can determine the chemicals that are essential for your pool. You can buy pool water testing kits from the market to test the quality of water or you can also hire a professional for that. The amount of each and every chemical that must be used in the pool will vary based on the actual size of the pool. Most of the pool will need startup chemicals to make sure that the hardness and pH level is perfectly balanced. This can also help to prevent algae growth or to sanitize the water.
You need to make sure that the pH level of your pool is in perfect balance. This is important to ensure that the pool water is easy on your skin. Also, other pool chemicals are formulated in such a way that they can work only at a given pH level. If the pH level is not where it must be, no other chemical will work perfectly. So, you need to adjust the pH level of your swimming pool anywhere between 7.4 and 7.6. If the pH level is higher than 7.6 then you can use muriatic acid or any granular acid to reduce it. On the other hand, if the pH level is lower than 7.4, then alkaline products like sodium carbonate is important to increase it.
Once the pH level is correct, you can use the ‘shock’ method for sanitizing the pool. Shock method means a large amount of chlorine that can be acted as a sanitizer. Chlorine, when added to the pool water, gets completely dissolved into it. Make sure to keep the chlorine level of 3.0 ppm. Besides these, you also have to adjust the hardness of the water which is referred to the calcium content of the water. When the calcium content is very high, the water tends to be harder. You can use anti-scaling products to make it softer.
So, these are some of the important and effective pool chemical start up instructions that you have to keep in mind. Also, you need to make sure that you add algaecides to the pool water and clean the pool tile to keep it free from algae. Maintaining the pool water is very important in order to ensure that it is good for your hair and skin. Hence, treating them right with chemicals is important.