Why is my pool still cloudy? What are the possible causes? There are many reasons for a cloudy pool. You can blame improper levels of chlorine, clogged or faulty filters, imbalanced alkalinity, and pH levels, or debris and algae. If you want to clear cloudy water, then you will have to find out the true cause and then you can remove foreign particles algae, add the right amount of the chlorine, and replace pool filter cartridges. When the water is severely cloudy, then it is suggested to shock the pool immediately before using it.
When there is an improper chemical balance, it can make your pool water cloudy. Improper chemical balance manes there is either too little or too much chlorine. Also, imbalanced alkalinity or pH level and the presence of the high calcium hardness levels can cause a cloudy pool.
Some environmental factors can also cause a cloudy pool. Pollen, dust, and tree leaves will build up in your pool filter and that will impact the cleaning process. Bird droppings, insects, and run-off water soon after a storm can be responsible for the cloudy pool water as well. Run-off water will bring phosphates, nitrates, and other chemicals into the pool affecting the quality of water.
A faulty filter and pump might cause cloudy water. Also, a poor filtration system might affect water quality. Poor filtration means either your filter is dirty or you are not running it adequately that will ultimately result in poor water circulation.
As stated earlier, the cause will determine the clearing method. So, first, you will have to understand the cause. If it is environmental, then you will have to shock your pool to get rid of dust particles and debris. When it is caused by the improper balance of the chlorine, you will have to ensure proper balance to avoid such a possibility. In brief, you can do the following to clear a cloudy pool.
Why is my pool still cloudy? A cloudy pool is caused by a number of factors stated above. Improper chlorine or pH levels are the most common causes of cloudy pool water. Though pH is not directly involved with cloud water, still, it consumes free chlorine when it is not balanced and that lead to pool cloudiness. If the chlorine level goes down, it cannot kill bacteria and algae that cause cloudy water.