If you’re particular about a beautiful landscape, you can consider building a freeform pool at home. A swimming pool is a must-have in any home, but having a freeform pool makes the experience more satisfying. Many are curious to know what is a freeform pool and what makes it so trendy nowadays.
A freeform pool is a swimming pool that uses a natural or irregular shape. The style is characterized by curves or flowing lines. Rock and waterfall features can also be added to achieve the look of an oasis or lake.
You might be worried that your backyard is too small to accommodate a freeform pool. You need to be aware of the size you need for a pool. Don’t worry, you can still have the best swimming pool even if your yard space is small.
Freeform pools not only add beauty to your outdoor space. It also creates additional swimming space. If you opt for a wider swimming area, select a pool shape that incorporates fuller flowing lines. If you’re after the aesthetic, you can add more defined curves to the design.
A freeform pool design is customized and can be replastered just like other pools. It gives you endless options. You can spruce up your swimming pool by adding features, such as in-pool tables and tanning ledges.
Choosing irregular or kidney-shaped designs adds a luxurious vibe to the overall look of your pool. A freeform pool can blend well in any landscape because of its natural look. What makes the pool design look sleek is the curve and defining edges, making them look sleek as you tan in your pool.
Pool styles in the 20thcentury were dominated by the freeform pool design. The trend of freeform pools traces back to its roots in the 1920s.
The Jazz Age is all about the glam and Hollywood’s Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford lived up to it. The power couple is known in Beverly Hills to have a luxurious lifestyle, and the oasis has proven to be far from average. The pool built in their world-famous Pickfair estate is the first private swimming pool in Los Angeles.
Banana and kidney-shaped pools have been a classic favorite since then. Residential swimming pools boomed after World War II, growing in number from 2,500 to 57,000 in the 1950s.
Phillip Ilsley, a famous landscape architect became the go-to person for kidney and freeform designs. He even collaborated with his wife to create their four-leaf-clover-shaped pool in their Hollywood Hills property.
One of the most famous freeform pools ever built is the Donnell Pool designed by Thomas Church and Lawrence Harpin. The pool is owned by Sandra Donnell and Justin Faggioli. Their family garden is known to be one of the most famous gardens in the 20th century.
Knowing what is a freeform pool stirs up your imagination and makes you wonder if you can have one. Keep in mind that a freeform pool is more expensive than other shapes of pools. Contact a professional pool contractor to talk about the best swimming pool you wish to have at your home.